Contents of the Book:
Unit-1: Introduction of organolithium reagents
Unit-2: Preparation methods of organolithium reagents
Unit-3: Properties of organolithium reagents
Unit-4: Types of organolithium reagents
Unit-5: Reactions of organolithium reagents
Unit-6: Derivatives of organolithium reagents
Unit-7: Objective questions on organolithium reagents and derivatives of organolithium reagents
About the Book:
Chemistry of Organolithium Reagents is a sub-primer of the seventh Organic Chemistry primer of the Chem Sparrow Chemistry Primers of Chem Sparrow Publications. This book is concerned with the Chemistry of Organolithium Reagents. This textbook is a genuine attempt to provide sufficient information for the student to be able to attempt their end-semester and several competitive examinations. This book is designed from the basic level to the advanced Chemistry of Organolithium Reagents, and this book is particularly designed for all competitive examinations in India from IIT-JEE, and NEET examinations to CSIR-UGC-NET examinations. It will be useful for faculty and students of B.Sc., and M.Sc., Chemistry. This book is designed for chemistry students, teachers, and researchers. This book is useful for NEET, IIT-JEE, IIT-JAM, CSIR-UGC-NET, GATE, all state-level P.G. Entrance examinations, All State-level Eligibility Tests (SET Exams), All State-Level Research Eligibility Tests (RCETS) and All-State-Level Public Service Commission Examinations. The textbook is divided into seven units, the first unit is Introduction of organolithium reagents, the second unit is Preparation methods of organolithium reagents, the third unit is Properties of organolithium reagents, the fourth unit is Types of organolithium reagents, the fifth unit is Reactions of organolithium reagents, the sixth unit is Derivatives of organolithium reagents, and in the seventh unit is Objective questions on organolithium reagents and derivatives of organolithium reagents. The way the subject matter is presented hinders students from memorizing by rote. In fact, the subject has been organized around the Chemistry of Organolithium Reagents. Students will quickly be able to predict much of what will happen after mastering these rules and principles. The text is well-illustrated with examples from the surrounding world to make the qualitative and quantitative components of the subject easier to understand.
About the Author(s):
Lt. Dr. D. Rama Sekhara Reddy has been serving as a Head-Department of Chemistry, at Krishna University, Machilipatnam-521004, Andhra Pradesh, India. After taking over as Head of the Department, He has initiated several academic reforms such as Training programs, Guest lectures, Seminars, Workshops, and Conferences to enrich the culture of research and teaching. He believes that a classroom should be a base for the complete personality development of a student. With this in mind, he strived to promote sports and cultural activities in the Department.
Dr.D. Rama Sekhara Reddy received graduation (B.Sc.) from V.R. College, Nellore in the year 1998. He obtained a post-graduation (M. Sc) from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur in the year 2001 and he obtained his Ph.D. from the Department of Organic Chemistry, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, in the year 2009. During his Doctoral Program, he worked as JRF in a DST-sponsored project under the guidance of Prof. R. Venkateswarlu. After completing his doctoral degree in the area of Natural products Chemistry in 2009 from India, he worked as a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Institute of Biological Chemistry, Washington State University, WA, USA from 2009-2011and continued as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at the Centre for Pharmacology, Pharmaceuticals, and Pharmacology, The University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences & Technology (Formerly named I-AIM), Bangalore, K.A, India from 2011-2012. Later in the year 2012, he joined as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry, at GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, A.P, India. Further in the year 2013, he joined as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry, at Krishna University, Machilipatnam, A.P, India. Currently, he is acting as Head of the Chemistry Department.
Chem Sparrow Publications
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